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Recent database release continues to improve understanding of complex nitrosamine structure-activity relationships (SARs)

Lhasa Limited is delighted to announce the sixth release of new data to the Vitic Complex Nitrosamines database.


This pre-competitive data sharing initiative facilitates the anonymous sharing of Ames data on structurally complex nitrosamines to improve understanding of their structure-activity-relationships (SARs). As a result, this enables members to identify trends in structural features that affect the mutagenic potential of structurally-complex nitrosamines.

New data release

With the latest update, the Vitic Complex Nitrosamines 2024.2.0 database now contains:

  • 813 new data records, bringing the total to 3,852.
  • 20 new substances, bringing the total substances to 126.

An update to note is the addition of 20 new nitrosamine structure records, bringing the total number of structures to 126; 92% of which are structurally complex and/or API-like or API-derived nitrosamines.

Genetic toxicity in-vitro­ and ­in-vivo data records

Within the database, there are now 3,691 genetic toxicity in-vitro data records, the majority of which are bacterial mutagenicity records on 124 substances.

Within this release there has also been the addition of a new transgenic rodent mutation assay genetic toxicity in-vivo data record, bringing the total to 38 studies on 11 substances.

How does the Vitic Complex Nitrosamines data sharing initiative work?

Consortium members securely contribute data from their internal portfolio or generate new data to actively support the progression towards more accurate predictions for this chemical class of high concern. The shared data can be used to build and validate new SAR models for the prediction of the potential mutagenic activity of nitrosamines, whilst preventing duplication to reduce testing efforts.

Our systematic peer-review process of donated data by participating organisations within industry guarantees a high-quality dataset.

Interested in joining the consortium? Get in touch with the Lhasa team.