Lhasa Limited is proud to announce the launch of Consult Lhasa, a wholly owned Lhasa Limited subsidiary, dedicated to providing expert scientific risk assessments to the pharmaceutical industry.
Lhasa Limited is a not-for-profit charity committed to enabling informed decision making on chemical safety, through the creation of innovative software solutions. Developed in collaboration with industry and regulatory bodies, Lhasa solutions offer trusted predictions that meet global regulatory requirements when combined with expert review.
Aligned with the Lhasa purpose, the new subsidiary Consult Lhasa will deliver scientific risk assessments globally, positively impacting human health. Specifically, Consult Lhasa will utilise Lhasa software and knowledge to make decisions on chemical safety, educate others, and directly provide scientific risk assessments to the pharmaceutical industry.
“For many years, our Lhasa members have asked us to provide consultancy services directly”, says Dr Crina Heghes, Consult Lhasa CEO. “This is a great opportunity to apply the knowledge, developed within Lhasa Limited over the last 40 years, to support scientists and positively impact human health”.
Initially, Consult Lhasa is providing risk assessments across four key areas:
- Impurity formation: Enhancing the definition of impurity profiles for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and drug products.
- Potentially mutagenic impurities: Improving computational assessment and control of potentially mutagenic impurities (PMIs).
- Nitrosamines: Facilitating comprehensive nitrosamine risk assessment profiles.
- Non-mutagenic impurities: Supporting the assessment and control of non-mutagenic impurities.
The launch of Consult Lhasa will enable Lhasa to further support organisations less familiar with in silico solutions, as well as better support Lhasa members who would like more guidance. All proceeds from Consult Lhasa will be reinvested into Lhasa Limited for future scientific advancements. Watch the video below, featuring Dr Crina Heghes, Consult Lhasa CEO, to learn more.
Discover how Consult Lhasa can improve your scientific risk assessments; contact Consult Lhasa today for a free expert consultation.