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Harnessing Purpose: The rise of Tech for Good

Leeds was recently described as one of the fastest-growing tech hubs in the UK. The 2023 Leeds Digital Festival showcases many of the exciting tech organisations in the city – whilst the diversity of the industry is illustrated in the Leeds Tech Map. Tech for Good is at the heart of this map.

Tech for Good encapsulates the belief that technology can be harnessed to deliver a positive impact on our world.

Globally, we are witnessing a growing desire to make a positive impact on society and the environment. The spotlight is on purpose-driven work, as evidenced in a recent study by McKinsey & Co, which found that 70% of employees derive their sense of purpose from their work.

A sense of purpose at work is not confined to a specific industry, in 2016, Deloitte conducted research which concluded that people feel loyal to companies that support their own career and life ambitions. However, the desire to find purpose through work helps to set the stage for Tech for Good organisations to thrive, where work contributions can make a real difference in the world.

Innovation, the driving force behind progress, is at the forefront of the Tech for Good movement. But how does this rise in purpose-driven work fuel innovation, and lead to the development of revolutionary technologies?

This question will be explored in-depth this week, during our Lhasa event at the Leeds Digital Festival. We will be joined by George Fairhall, Founder and CEO of WAC – Work & Money Management App, Sonia Dembowska, Co-founder of Theia AI, and John Rastrick, Founder and CEO of Flotilla.

Don’t miss out on this enlightening Tech4Good discussion on Wednesday 20th September – register today, if you haven’t already!


Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by lhasalimited

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