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Our governance

The governing boards that support our organisation

Our board

As a not-for-profit organisation and educational charity we are governed by a board of trustees.

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Our scientific advisory board

To support our purpose of developing expert computer systems that support informed decision making on chemical safety, we are also governed by a scientific advisory board.

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Our charitable statement

Our Board of Directors hold in high regard the principle of public benefit and require that we pursue strategies that demonstrate this. Our Board of Directors, at their quarterly meetings, review ongoing charitable activities to ensure consistency with our charitable objects. Our Board of Directors is aware of the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit and has regard to it in determining our charitable aims and the way we carry out our activities.

We are committed to the development and use of computer-aided reasoning and information systems for the advancement of chemistry and the life sciences. By performing research on chemical, toxicology and metabolism data, our scientists are able to provide our members with software systems that allow them to make decisions about the safety of chemicals, thereby providing public benefit through:

1. Reducing the need for animal testing

2. Improving the lengthy and costly process of developing new drugs

3. Safeguarding human health from the adverse effects of chemicals

Lhasa Charitable Aims Image of Charity Event Talk

Our charitable aims

Our charitable aims include the sponsorship of activities that advance scientific knowledge and understanding through the use of computer-aided reasoning in chemistry and the life sciences. We promote and encourage the use of our software for academic teaching and research by offering membership on significantly preferential terms. In addition, we actively support research through sponsorship of:

Computational chemistry events

Scientific symposia and academic prizes

Research projects and scientific training to Ph.D. level

We are committed to providing financial support for others to carry out their own research and to discuss their findings to further advance and refine the science. Specifically, we provide support for research within academic institutions and the outcomes of this research and that of our own scientists, are disseminated through publications, talks and poster presentations at relevant scientific events all around the world.

Sponsorship and awards

In accordance with our charitable objects, we are proud to award grants to institutions to sponsor PhD students. For more information about our sponsorship expenditure and sponsorship activities in accordance with our charitable objects please get in touch with

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